Antarès expert
Hugo comes to your stables in the 09, 11, 12, 15, 19, 31, 32, 34, 43, 46, 48, 63, 65, 66, 81, 82 sector.
Would you like more information on one of our endurance models?
Contact Sébastien Mugnier directly.
His age
His expertise
saddle fitting, saddle and helmets try on, personalized quotation.
His asset
An excellent knowledge of high level sport, due to his great experience in Grand Prix.
Your journey before coming to Antarès?
“I have been a professional rider for numerous stables in France and United States. I performed in competition until Grand Prix 150. An accident in 2018 forced me to end my carrier as a professional rider, that’s when I joined the Antarès Team.”
Your first time on a horse?
“I was so young; I wasn’t even walking.”
Your riding best memory?
“My first 150 Grand Prix at Tours Pernay, in 2016.”