Antarès expert
Julien comes to your stables in the 10, 21, 25, 52, 54, 55, 57, 67, 68, 70, 88 and Luxembourg sector.
Would you like more information on one of our endurance models?
Contact Sébastien Mugnier directly.
His age
His expertise
saddle fitting, saddle and helmets try on, personalized quotation.
His asset
expert of high-level sport due to his experience in jumping.
Your journey before coming to Antarès?
“I grew up in my family’s stables, so I have always been riding horses up to professional level. After my studies, I worked for 8 years as engineer in electricity and industry while managing stables. I joined the Antarès Team in 2020, and was teached the saddle fitting and making to be perfectly operational.”
Which disciplines do you perform?
“Jumping, I think it is the more exciting discipline because of the height.”
A memorable fall?
“I had 2 horses enlisted in a class. I fell with the first one, but won the class with the second. My first 135 Grand Prix !”