Antarès expert
Anthony comes to your stables in the 16, 17, 24, 33, 40, 47, 64, 79, 86 and 87 sector.
Would you like more information on one of our endurance models?
Contact Sébastien Mugnier directly.
see the phone
06 18 71 17 78
His age
His expertise
saddle fitting, saddle and helmets try on, personalized quotation.
His asset
An excellent knowledge of equestrian sport, in all disciplines.
Your journey before coming to Antarès?
“I’ve been a rider and instructor for 24 years, before coming to Antarès in 2019.”
Which disciplines do you perform?
“Dressage and Jumping, the two go together.”
A memorable fall?
“When my yearling sent me to the hospital, 18 stitches!”
The song you always sing in your car?
“None, I’m a really bad singer!”
Discover the interview